is part of a national scholarship program that promotes and rewards scholastics, leadership and talent in young women. Earn scholarships for higher education, personally develop through the DYW Life Skills Workshops, and make new friends from around the state.
May 16, 2025 - Last Day to Submit Application
May 18 2025 - First Rehearsal and Photoshoot*
June 8, 2025 - Rehearsal
June 22, 2025 - Rehearsal
July 13, 2025 - All Forms Due! Rehearsal & Outing at Triangle Rock Club
July 27, 2025 - Rehearsal
August 3, 2025 - Dress Rehearsal*
August 10, 2025 - Showcase at Meredith College!*
All dates are tentative and subject to change.
All dates are Sundays and we meet at 2:00 PM.
Any date with a star next to it is MANDATORY
College cash scholarships are awarded at the local level and millions in college-granted scholarships are available nationally. The Wake County representative will advance to the state program for the opportunity to compete for cash tuition scholarships. Participants are evaluated in the areas of: scholastics, interview, talent, self-expression, and fitness.
Total Cash Scholarships Awarded to Young Women in Wake County Since 2010
Over $25,000!!
These participants will take part in the up-coming local program.
Cary Youth LeadershipNational Honors Society Performing Arts Sophomore of the Year Chorus Freshman of the Year
SingingActingReadingWorking outDancingBible studyImprov
Summit Church Kids VolunteeringSecond Chance Pet Adoption VolunteeringTutoring
Chairwoman - Maggie Mae Stapleton