is part of a national scholarship program that promotes and rewards scholastics, leadership and talent in young women. Earn scholarships for higher education, personally develop through the DYW Life Skills Workshops, and make new friends from around the state.
Location TBA
$TBA for Preliminaries on Date and Time TBA
$TBA for Finals on Date and Time TBA
College scholarships are awarded at the state level and millions in college-granted scholarships are available nationally. The state representative will advance to the national program for the opportunity to compete for cash tuition scholarships. To participate, you must be in your junior of high school. Participants are evaluated in the areas of: scholastics, interview, talent, self-expression, and fitness.
These participants will take part in the up-coming local program.
Straight A Honor Roll throughout my educationHomecoming Princess Junior Year
Youtuber, my channel is called Madalyn Mac and I have been posting for the past four years.Gymnastics, I have been doing gymnastics since I was five, and used my talents when I cheered. Dance, I have danced since I was 5, and currently dance at Dance Force Studio Bedford.Artist, I draw/paint/sculpt/ and take photos. I have enjoyed art since I was little, and have been commissioned to create work many times.Author, I have published two books during my highschool career, one a young adult fiction and the other a self-improvement book.Lifter, I have been lifting weights consistently for the past 4 years to improve myself and inspire others around me.Illustrator, I have illustrated a book, the Faith of July by Baron D. Hall and am currently in the process of illustrating another.
Santa Stars is a student led organization that focuses on helping those in monetary need during the holidays. We raise money from local businesses and use it to purchase essential items and gifts for less fortunate kids and families. I was invited by the Senior President to become the Junior Vice President, and with this position, I was in charge of finding other reliable students to help the goal of Santa Stars. During this time, I reached out to multiple businesses within the Bedford area to ask for donations. The organization raised funds to buy presents and necessary items for less fortunate families, such as those living in a shelter called Becky’s Place in Bedford, Indiana. During this time, the group went to Target in Bloomington, Indiana to purchase the multitude of items for the children. I then took time out of my class schedule to wrap presents, and then had a delivery day during school to take the presents, in person, to the families in a bus with the other members.During school hours and after school, I painted the set for our school's version of the “High School Musical”. I helped bring the drama department's vision of their musical to life. I was asked by Tiffany Kurtz to paint the set during the school day during my study hall class. I would also find time in other parts of the day to go work on the set. For example, if I got my school work done early in some of my classes, I would go work. I also came in after school on Fridays before I had to cheer at basketball games. The set was approximately 20 feet long, and 7 feet tall. I was in charge of painting a red stripe around the entire structure, painting “Wild Cats” and a basketball on the structure, and adding in some lockers. This was a challenging task for me, as it was the first time I had ever painted on such a large scale, but I enjoyed the process. My volunteering helped the school drama club by saving them money on hiring a professional artist. The backdrop for the play provided the student audience a more enjoyable musical to watch. I was invited to join the Bedford North Lawrence Community Schools Wellness Committee. The wellness committee focuses on the health and well-being of students, staff, and families across the district. In the committee, I provide a student’s perspective on the school health environment, and help identify different problems or areas that the schools can improve in terms of health. I was invited to join this program mid-junior year by my school principal, Jordan Key. I plan on attending this year's wellness committee meetings that take place during the school day to further improve the health of our schools. These meetings are held the second Tuesday every other month (9/12/23, 11/12/23, 1/9/24, 3/12/24, and 5/14/24) this year from 9:00-10:00 am in the administration building (420 W St, Bedford, IN 47421).