Distinguished Young Women OF Pocatello/Chubbuck

is part of a national scholarship program that promotes and rewards scholastics, leadership and talent in young women. Earn scholarships for higher education, personally develop through the DYW Life Skills Workshops, and make new friends from around the state.

Learn more

Photo of Addison Taylor
Addison Taylor
Distinguished Young Woman of Pocatello/Chubbuck for 2025
Local Program Information

Class of 2026 Program

April 9 & 10, 2025

Stephens Performing Arts Center
Jensen Grand Concert Hall
Idaho State University Campus


Life-Changing Experience

College scholarships are awarded at the state level and millions in college-granted scholarships are available nationally. The state representative will advance to the national program for the opportunity to compete for cash tuition scholarships. To participate, you must be in your junior of high school. Participants are evaluated in the areas of: scholastics, interview, talent, self-expression, and fitness.

Apply Now

2025 Distinguished Young Woman of Pocatello/Chubbuck

2026 Local Participants

These participants will take part in the up-coming local program.


2025 Distinguished Young Woman of Pocatello/Chubbuck

Photo of Addison Taylor
Addison Taylor

University Preference
University of Arizona School of Dance

Career Goal
Commercial Dancer, B.F.A. in Dance

School District #25 CAKE Award RecipientAmerican Musical & Dramatic Academy Scholarship WinnerUniversal Ballet Competition 1st PlaceYouth America Grand Prix 2nd PlaceHollywood Dance Jamz Senior Dancer of the Year Runner Up x2JUMP, 24seven, and NRG Prodigy WinnerYoung Women Class PresidentD.A.R.E. Essay Winner

Alliance Academy of Dance Senior CompanyBrindusa Classical Training ProgramHollywood Dance Jamz Senior CompanyTremaine Performance CompanyCross Country TeamLocal hiking with my familyDesignated family "Uber driver"Mentoring younger dancersNational Honor SocietyMATHCOUNTS

Visiting With Elderly in Memory Care CentersPocatello Marathon Aid Station WorkerCommunity Trash Pickup Princess Dance CampCemetery Clean Up Local Service Project

2026 Local Participants

Helen Ashcraft
University PreferenceUnited States Air Force Academy
Career GoalFighter Pilot In The Air Force
TalentTaekwondo Showcase
Photo of Olivia Hill
Olivia Hill
University PreferenceUniversity of Utah
Career GoalPediatric Dentist
Sarai Olvera
University PreferenceBosie State, Northwest Nazarene
Career GoalAttend Accelerated Nursing Program, Attain My M. S Nursing, And Specialize As A Pediatric Er Nurse.
Emily Ralphs
University Preference
Career Goal
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