Distinguished Young Women OF Dallas County

is part of a national scholarship program that promotes and rewards scholastics, leadership and talent in young women. Earn scholarships for higher education, personally develop through the DYW Life Skills Workshops, and make new friends from around the state.

Learn more

Photo of Lelia Kelly
Lelia Kelly
Distinguished Young Woman of Dallas County for 2024
Local Program Information

Class of 2024 Program

Date TBA

Location TBA

$TBA for Preliminaries on Date and Time TBA
$TBA for Finals on Date and Time TBA

Life-Changing Experience

College scholarships are awarded at the state level and millions in college-granted scholarships are available nationally. The state representative will advance to the national program for the opportunity to compete for cash tuition scholarships. To participate, you must be in your junior of high school. Participants are evaluated in the areas of: scholastics, interview, talent, self-expression, and fitness.

Apply Now

2024 Distinguished Young Woman of Dallas County

2025 Local Participants

These participants will take part in the up-coming local program.


2024 Distinguished Young Woman of Dallas County

Photo of Lelia Kelly
Lelia Kelly
Valley Grande

University Preference
University of Mississippi

Career Goal
Major in Public Relations

UCA Pin-It-Forward Leadership Recipient AISA Allstar CheerleaderUCA All-AmericanMiss Elmore County 2022National Honor SocietyAISA State Computer and Science Fair 1st place in Web DesignAISA 3A SGA Scrapbook runner upPioneer Electric Youth Tour delegatePresidential Scholar awardI Dare You award from Morgan Academy SGA

PageantsSoccerDanceCheerGuitarPresident of Prom CommitteeInteract Club Co PresidentSchool ChoirComputer TeamSGA

Vacation Bible School volunteerPeewee and future cheer instructorFall festival workerSelma Food Pantry volunteerTornado relief volunteer

2025 Local Participants

Photo of Molly Bohannon
Molly Bohannon
CityValley Grande
University PreferenceUniversity of Alabama
Career GoalNursing
TalentVocal Performance
Photo of Kenlynn Buchanan
Kenlynn Buchanan
University PreferenceSouth Alabama
Career GoalCriminal Justice
Photo of Jai Calhoun
Jai Calhoun
University PreferenceWallace Community State College / University of West Alabama
Career GoalNursing Rn Bsn
Photo of Brooke Egbert
Brooke Egbert
CityValley Grande
University PreferenceUniversity of West Alabama
Career GoalNursing
Photo of Mackenzie King
Mackenzie King
University PreferenceTroy University
Career GoalRadiologist
TalentJazz Dance
Photo of Alyssa McCloud
Alyssa McCloud
CityValley Grande
University PreferenceThe University of Alabama at Birmingham
Career GoalTraveling Neonatal Nurse
Photo of Makayla Muse
Makayla Muse
University PreferenceUniversity of Alabama at Birmingham
Career GoalI Plan To Get My Master’s In Biology To Be An Obgyn.
TalentLyrical Dance
Photo of Catherine Perry
Catherine Perry
CityValley Grande
University PreferenceBelhaven University
Career GoalMy Career Goals Include Dancing Professionally After College And Working In Costume Production And Design For A Ballet School Or Company.
Photo of Sydney Pritchett
Sydney Pritchett
University PreferenceFlorida A&M University
Career GoalAttorney
TalentJazz Dance
Photo of Maddie Smith
Maddie Smith
University PreferenceAuburn University
Career GoalElementary Education
Photo of Lydia Smitherman
Lydia Smitherman
University PreferenceShelton State
Career GoalUltrasound Technician
TalentJazz Dance
Photo of Layken Smitherman
Layken Smitherman
CityValley Grande
University PreferenceUniversity of Alabama at Birmingham
Career GoalNeonatal Nurse
TalentLyrical Dance
Photo of Jada Wells
Jada Wells
University PreferenceAuburn University
Career GoalPharmacist
TalentLyrical Dance
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